



daX Foundation

Introduction to the DAX
certification process

We take pride in our rigorous and transparent certification process that sets a new standard in the art market. Our unique system ensures that each piece of artwork, whether physical or digital, is authenticated and valued accurately, maintaining the integrity and sustainability of global art transactions. This meticulous process guarantees that all artworks listed on the DAX Registry are genuine and their value is protected.



Artists, collectors, and creators begin by submitting their artworks to DAX for review. This initial step is facilitated through a user-friendly, secure digital platform, ensuring that all submissions are handled confidentially and efficiently.

Background & Source Verification


Upon receipt, each artwork undergoes a comprehensive background check. This includes verifying the provenance and history of the artwork, ensuring it has a clear and legitimate lineage. This step is crucial for maintaining the trust and credibility of the DAX platform.

Real World Check


Simultaneously, the identity and location of the artist or current owner are verified to authenticate their credentials and ensure that the submission is authorized. This verification is conducted using advanced security measures to prevent any fraudulent activities.

IP Copyright Search


To further protect the rights of artists and ensure the uniqueness of each piece, DAX conducts an extensive search across a database of over 65 billion images. This search detects any potential copyright infringement or unauthorized replication, ensuring that all listed artworks are original and their intellectual property rights are intact.

Issuance : Registry Entry


Once an artwork clears all the above stages, it is then certified by DAX. The certification process involves creating an immutable, on-chain record of the artwork’s details, including its verified floor or guaranteed sale price as set by the submitter. This record is then entered into the DAX Registry, which serves as an unalterable ledger of authenticity and valuation for each piece.

Ensuring value

The DAX Registry not only acts as a catalog of certified artworks but also as a living document that is constantly updated in real-time. It ensures that all participants from individual collectors to large institutions have access to a trusted source of certified artworks. By securing a guaranteed floor price, DAX respects and upholds the value of creativity, ensuring that artists’ works are never undervalued, regardless of market fluctuations.
